Thursday, January 14, 2010

what the fuck

So, Humanity has for the most part been a power struggle. By humanity I mean all life extending into humanity, by all life i mean ever, by ever I mean, everything in the universe ever. The universe literally expanded out of nothing, eventually it will expand into nothing, I mean pure noise, entropy, even that might die, it'll all just turn to perfect stillness given enough (approaching infinity or something) time. Life is the means of organizations in the universe, when the most successful life eventually fills the entire universe, if it ever could get to that point without being destroyed, will fill the entire universe with it's noise, turn it into a perfect, uniform, something, if everything within the universe is relative, and it is relative only to itself, for there is nothing else, it would be completely redundant, like nothing. The power struggle behind evolution, to always fill a niche and stay atop of other species in the game of survival, where competing players become constantly more adept to their environments, evolve into things that can think to survive, to outdo other competitors who wish to fill their niche, to compete for countries, continents, people's minds, the world's resources, power, who race eachother to the moon, who try to kill each other for their ideas, that 'we' are better and more deserving than the other group. Our power struggle is only awful personally, to individual human beings, just like death is, but for the organism of 'humanity' which is part of the universe. It is the essence of progress, as long as a system exists, it is circumventable, as argued by Godel, when he dismantled the principia mathematica, and by Douglas Hofstadter in his book, Godel, Escher, Bach. All these different, random flukes, created by the fate of being made of the right stuff, in the right place,  at the right time in the universe. If the universe is infinite (which is a big if), or even if there is an infinite multi-verse, if there are an infinite amount of possibilities that could ever exist, we, the 'stuff' of the universe are different patterns of randomness, different patterns of entropy, competing to fill and make the most effective use of our 'resources', our space-time. There must be, somewhere in this infinite universe or multiverse, some pattern of entropy, some form of 'life', that could possibly imagine beyond their universe, beyond their dimensions of existence, and eventually or suddenly (since time would not exist to these inter-dimensional beings) fill the universe with it's blank, even, repeating pattern. In their last moments, they could restart it, throw another rock in the pool and create chaos where there was none once again, another big bang, the universe expanding from nothing again.
(hold on i'll edit this, once I sleep)

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