Friday, June 25, 2010

wondering about

I wonder about the intrinsic properties of life and people.
Like love.
You can marry animals, be asexual, a sosciopath, schizoid, schizophrenic, love-shy, paralyzed completely, and about to die. You can bend love but never break it. The potential is always there, always apparent. There is nothing in the world that can completely take away an individual's ability to love another.
Why is that? If we were truly asexual, I mean, we reproduced completely on our own, would we not love? Is love as necessary to life as everything else in the Universe that is?
Will we ever dissect it like Einstein, in a human theory of Relativity, down to abstractions and universals? Something floating above our heads, always shining down on us, but ungraspable. I wanna stretch my love out forever, and let it touch everyone I have ever come in contact with.
Like a snail's slime trail. I wanna make you especially sticky, on me, with me, inside and out.

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