Monday, September 12, 2011

hightimes magazine

                The most important thing I’ve learned in college is that I’m going to be broke for a long time, at least heavily in debt. They prostrate my finances for an education that feels like it’s just killing me. The grown up kids they send in first year deal with it by filling their livers with alcohol (drugs), over the counter stimulants (drugs), cheap experiences (drugs), chlamydia, pot (drugs), and cortisol. The majority learn they’ll always be in debt, or if they’re lucky, that nothing really matters because someone will always be there supporting them until they’ve joined the rich oligarchy their fathers are in. Billions of Sisyphus’ pushing themselves up a mountain of debt: poverty, student loans, mortgages, private pension plans, government bailouts, bribes and islands of trash floating in the pacific because they’ll clean up after themselves much later.
                How can we ever live in the present when we live in a culture that enslaves us to a future we literally can’t afford? We live on borrowed money from the world’s ultimate powers (usurpers), or borrowed time from our own cheap, environmentally negligent greed also bestowed upon us by our masters. We managed to build the pyramids of Giza without slowly poisoning our planet and killing a third of the world’s species, why can’t people hold down jobs while doing the same today? When it’s close to too late, we’ll pay much more with our labour to forgive ourselves and fill the gap from all these artificially cheapened prices of our vices. Again, we’ll fall victim to major financial powers who are completely out of our range of influence. They’ll take our money as punishment for following them down the same hole they’ve lead us into. This is a zealous corporatocracy violently spreading itself across the world; the free market rules in a system where the only products are consumers.
                Now the neoliberal financial system consumes itself and brings political strife throughout Europe, the Middle East, America, and North Africa. In the meantime Asia, South America,  and the rest of Africa are also beginning to temporarily profit from our destructive philosophy, and the powerful ‘investing’(they buy you and your resources and your ideas) dollars of the invisible mega-rich. Once the whole world falls to prey and suffering to these financial dominions, when we are consumed with toxic debt and waste while a select few hold whatever they could ever possibly imagine, what will happen?
                Will we use our established collective technological and informational wealth to strike down, ignore these masters and control our own fate? Will we lay ignorant in the dearth of power while steeped in a world full of energy and resources?

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